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Board of Education


Message from the Board of Education

Welcome to the Tri-Valley Local School District web site. It is our hope that you can find up-to-date accurate information about our general operation, administration, academics, buildings, events, activities, building projects and news easily. As you navigate through the various web site links, we would be interested to know what works and what could improve, since this is a work-in-progress. We are committed to engaging our communities in all that we do, and having easy access via the web site to the information that suits your needs is a valuable tool in accomplishing that goal.

About us…………
Your Tri-Valley Board of Education is comprised of 5 elected officials – Mr. Steve Barr, Mrs. Betsy Brocklehurst, Dr. Andrea Collet, Mr. Luke Davis and Mr. Scott Ford- serving 4-year terms, whose primary responsibility is to hire, evaluate and communicate regularly with the Superintendent and Treasurer, and establishes overall district policies in accordance with Federal, State and local laws and requirements. This is the umbrella under which the administrative (operating) guidelines are written by the Superintendent and Treasurer. The Superintendent, Mark Neal, operates the school system through his administrative staff. The Treasurer, Ryan Smith, operates the office of the treasurer and oversees fiscal policies of the district.

Your School Board is also the link between the school system and the community. Although we are elected individually on our own merits, we make policy decisions for the school district collectively. No single member of the board can act independently or on behalf of the board without approval of the majority of its members at a public school board meeting. It is our responsibility to gather accurate information, evaluate and test the information, and discuss the facts with appropriate staff and community members. This enables us to make decisions that impact the school system positively and take actions that are in the best interest of our students. We welcome all questions and comments and will direct you to either the Superintendent or Treasurer if there are issues to resolve. We recommend that you first address your issues as close to the source as possible. More serious concerns should always be documented. This enables you to state the issue clearly, and enables us to follow up appropriately. Our staff members are genuinely concerned about the welfare, safety, progress and achievement of all students. Through open discussion we can develop meaningful relationships that set a positive example for our children as well as resolve concerns as quickly as possible.

Come see what we do……..
Our regularly scheduled meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m., in the conference room of the district office at 36 East Muskingum Avenue, in Dresden. Special board meetings are called as needed to act on agenda items that require immediate action. All meetings are advertised in the local newspapers and on the Tri-Valley website at least 24 hours prior to the meetings and are open to the public. For residents of the Tri-Valley school district to address the board formally, a public participation form is available at the district office and can be completed prior to the meeting.

We are honored to serve the communities of the Tri-Valley Local School District. Please feel free to contact us at the phone numbers, home addresses and email addresses listed in the directory.

Thanks and Go Dawgs!

Board Members
